Earth Day: Invest In Our Planet

By Greyhound Box Ltd
schedule25th Apr 22

It’s nearly #EarthDay2022 and the theme this year is ‘Invest in our Planet’. ?

This is a topic of great importance to Greyhound Box, with "Environment" being one of the 4 company values. We recognise our responsibility to protect our planet and the environment is a critical factor in everything we do and the decisions we make.

Have you been looking for a sustainable packaging solution? The smallest change is a step towards becoming sustainable.

Plastic pollution is one of the most important environmental problems facing us, and Greyhound Box can help you break free from single-use plastic.

Our Packaging and supply chain experts work directly with you to green and optimize your supply chain, reducing your carbon footprint with a focus of driving value to your bottom line.
Greyhound Box is proven for being highly reliable and providing a comprehensive managed packaging program including packing and packaging design, manufacturing and consultancy and customers waste management.  To find out more, get in touch through the company microsite today.


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